This no-nonsense distance learning journalism course aims to give you a thorough grounding in basic journalism skills, as well the chance to obtain honest feedback from a professional journalist on a series of written assignments.
Your tutor will provide detailed feedback on your written exercises, as well as answering any queries you may have and offering career guidance if appropriate.
You will learn how to write news reports, features, columns and reviews, learn more about the print and broadcast industries and tackle written assignments ranging from factual reports to magazine articles.
You will also be introduced to ways of developing your news sense, making contacts, crafting “intros”, spotting “angles” and conducting effective interviews – as well as specialist areas like court reporting, travel writing, face-to-face profiles and human interest features.
The journalism course is highly practical and focused on helping you to write in a sharp, concise style that will appeal to editors. Feedback is honest, constructive and designed to encourage you to make rapid progress in honing your writing style.
The course includes a brief introduction to media law, sub-editing and writing for the trade press and broadcast media.
The course comprises SIX lessons, each incorporating written assignments, and is currently available at a special rate of £95 all-inclusive. Once enrolled, you can tackle lessons at your own pace: an assiduous student might expect to complete the journalism course in 12-16 weeks, but you have up to 18 months to tackle it at your leisure if you prefer.
Send an email to andrew@lsj.org if you have a query about the course. You are under no commitment.
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